著名音乐人顾家明(张国荣 饰)精心栽培了最受欢迎女歌星玫瑰(刘嘉玲 饰)。两人男才女貌,是十分相配的一对。他们的忠实fans林子颖(袁咏仪 饰)误打误撞成为了唱片公司的男新人,众人都没有发现其实林子颖是女扮男装的。子颖生活在偶像的圈子中才发现这对金童玉女正面临感情的考验。子颖的纯真同时吸引住了家明与玫瑰的眼球,分别对子颖产生了爱意。一段复杂的三角关系,引出不少笑料。A typical everyday HK movie fan Wing idolizes the beautiful female singer Rose and her producer Sam as the fairy tale couple. By chance she posed as an amateur male singer and moves in with 'his' new producer Sam. The no-nonsense Wing develops a great friendship with Sam, but screws up Sam's love life with Rose.