
原名:MAZE 爆熱時空   又名:MAZE☆爆熱時空 天変脅威の大巨人

状态:64播放   更新:2023-08-22 04:08:50

斑鳩明和斑鳩萌衣原是亲兄妹,但却萌生了禁断之情。结果兄妹在穿越到异世界的时候居然合成了一个人,名曰メイズ,白天为女夜晚为男。失去了记忆的メイズ机缘巧合救下两性具有公主ミル ヴァルナ并成为聖甲機ドゥルガー的驾驶员,开始了她/他的战斗。Maze: The Mega-Burst Space is the story about a young, shy, and soft-spoken girl with hidden powers, who travels mysteriously through time and space into a mysterious world. There she meets fugitive Princess Mill of the Batonian Empire who is on the run from the Jaina Holy Group. Maze's new role is to protect Mill, who eventually falls in love with Maze. Along the way, Maze and Mill run into a couple of friends - Rapier, Solude, Aster, Woll, and Randi. At night, however, Maze turns into a seductive male who has an uncontrollable desire to sleep with girls.
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