當計程車司機山叔確切體會人生走向下坡,他到底該把握夕陽片刻美好,抓住青春僅存溫柔,還是認清現實放棄掙扎呢?山叔生日的這一天,他將郁馨送至高中學校上課,努力跑車工作,也在高雄車站前排班等客,偶而也在高架橋下打個盹。一切,都和往常沒有什麼不同, 直到回程接郁馨下課時,山叔看見她坐上了別校男生小翔的機車去約會,一時無法接受的山叔決定跟蹤她,想知道她是否真的交了男朋友。於是山叔尾隨著他們去了年輕人愛去的地方,在那裡看見郁馨青春洋溢的開心笑容,山叔內心百感交集⋯⋯。Sam is a middle-aged taxi driver. Every morning, he drives Yu-Hsin, a 18 year-old girl, to her senior high school. After that, his daily work starts: waiting at the taxi stand, driving customers around the city, taking a nap under the bridge....When Sam picks up Yu-Hsin from school in the afternoon, he sees her on a scooter with another boy. Sam decides to follow them to find out if she has a boyfriend...