泰剧《撒旦的玫瑰》取景瑞士SHMS酒店管理学院,由泰国当红偶像Bee Namthip, Captain Putanate, Pang Ornjira, Bank Priti等饰演。剧情主要讲述男女主角都来自显赫的家族,他们一同在瑞士SHMS酒店管理学院学习,然后坠入了甜蜜的爱河。可是男女主角各自的家族却是深仇世家,他们的恋情必须经历种种挫折、重重磨难。故事是典型的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”经典爱情模式加以创新,最引人入胜的就是向观众展露了酒店管理行业的运作以及这个行业的从业人员的成长之路。A young Thai woman named Rose, wants her revenge on a man named Chok; who murdered her family when she was a small child. However, what Chok doesn't realize is that Rose survived the attack and now has a new identity, She has visions of the near future and uses it to get to Chat who is Chok's brother so she can fulfill her revenge.