家家有本难念的经。与单亲母亲相依为命的叛逆少年终日联同损友到处惹事生非,旷课恶作剧事少,毒死邻居爱犬事大。忍无可忍,最终落得被学校开除收场。爱子心切,却无计可施,决定将逆子送到隐居海边小镇的外祖父家,希望这个退伍军人可以教晓小混混明白纪律为何事。与文明脱节的小镇生活直教人闷得发慌,外祖父既专制又抑压的性格难以相处,镇上只有童党大佬可以与之同声同气。 之后却因一宗惨剧逼使俩爷孙不得不面对各自的心魔和彼此矛盾。说到底,成长这门重要的生命课题从来就不分年龄。西班牙女导演Gracia Querejeta以动人细腻的女性触觉,深刻地将青少年的迷茫和成人世界的偏见呈现眼前。而久违的西班牙美艳女星玛莉佩韦度(《衰仔失乐园》),更将作为人母的苦与乐表现得丝丝入扣。Margo is struggling to deal with her son, Jon a rebellious and free-spirited teenager who runs with a bad crowd. After Jon is expelled from school, Margo sends him to live with his grandfather Max, a retired military officer who lives in a small coastal town and believes he can fix his grandson with his own style of discipline. This new home does not equal an attitude change, and when Jon is seriously injured after being involved in a grave crime, both boy and man will learn to face their fears and limitations.