
原名:   又名:The Runaway

状态:105播放   更新:2023-08-26 08:08:14

德国汉堡的失业建筑师沃特•达赫曼(Peter Jordan 皮特•乔丹 饰)正要去参加一个重要的面试,刚一出门,便发现面前站着一个红衣男孩。这个不知道来自何方的男孩尤里(Maximilian Werner 迈克希米兰•沃那 饰)将沃特称为“爸爸”,并要求他送自己上学。被缠得没办法的沃特只得照办,却因迟到失去了面试的机会。   烦躁的沃特走出应聘公司,他的心中充满疑问,尤里是谁?他的妈妈是谁?为什么缠上自己?   本片获2006年奥斯卡最佳短片奖提名。On a winter day, Walter Dahlman is getting ready for a job interview; he's an unemployed architect in Hamburg. As he leaves his flat with little time to spare, a boy of about eight stops him in the hall and asks for a ride to school. Walter doesn't know the lad, who says he's Yuri. The boy is persistent; Walter, who has only a bicycle, ends up giving Yuri a lift to school. The boy calls him "Daddy," and it's just the beginning of Walter's trials and tribulations. Who is the boy, where is his mother, and why Walter?
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