The Corsair

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状态:6播放   更新:2024-08-06 05:08:01

暂无简介On a raid by the corsairs several slaves are captured, among them a very beautiful Greek girl, Medora. The Lieutenant who has been in charge of the expedition casts covetous eyes on Medora and desires her for his personal harem. She is afraid of the man and on arriving at the headquarters of the band appeals to the head of the corsairs for protection. He takes her for himself, and tells the Lieutenant to pick one of the other girls. The Lieutenant becomes very angry and attacks his chief. The chief gets the better of him and throws him out of the band. The Lieutenant, thirsting for revenge, goes to the Sultan and tells him of the plans of the band. The Sultan has been looking for an opportunity to break up the band for some time and gives the Lieutenant some soldiers to go to the home of the Corsairs and secure the beautiful slave. The expedition is successful and in the absence of the chief they carry off the slaves. The Lieutenant, however, does not say anything of the booty which is hidden in the cave as he intends to return alone some other time to secure it. When the chief Corsair returns he is told of the attack by his father who has seen the whole proceeding. The Corsair is aroused and plans a ruse to get Medora back. Medora has been taken to the Sultan who places her in his harem and makes her one of his favorites. The Corsairs dress up as women and go to the palace. The Chief poses as a slave dealer and gains admittance to the palace to show the Sultan his beautiful captives. When in the interior of the palace they cast aside their disguises and attack the harem guards. They are repulsed, however, and the chief is made a prisoner. On Medora's suggestion he is put in a cell to await torture. That evening the Lieutenant goes to the cave to secure the booty. He is successful in gaining admittance to the store place and proceeds to take the choice of the valuables. The same evening Medora plans to escape with the Corsair. She gains admittance to the prison and is successful in getting the Corsair out. They proceed to a boat and row away to the former hiding place of the band. When they arrive they discover the Lieutenant in the act of cleaning out the booty. Following him back to the cave the Corsair closes the secret door, locking the Lieutenant in so that he cannot escape. The Corsair and Medora then sail away, leaving the Lieutenant to his fate.
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