
原名:海は見ていた   又名:大海为证 / 大海的见证 / The Sea Is Watching

状态:HD   更新:2024-03-03 06:03:09

江户时代,繁华喧嚣的深川花巷,周而复始上演着几多悲欢离合。出身贫苦人家的少女阿新(遠野凪子 饰)虽堕落风尘,却保持着纯洁、善良的品格。某晚,她救助了一名被人追杀的贵族年轻武士(吉岡秀隆 饰)。武士的礼貌和拘谨让阿新心有所动,与她同在苇之屋的好姐妹们也情愿帮她摆脱风尘。然幸福看似近在咫尺,却海角天涯;一段恋情终结,又伴随着另一段恋情的开始,流浪男子(永濑正敏 饰)走入阿新的世界,似乎那渺小的幸福从此不再遥远……   本片为日活创立90周年纪念作品,改编自山本周五郎的短篇小说《何处花香》和《露水未干》。日本殿堂级导演黑泽明1994年撰写该片剧本,并绘出主要人物、场景和分镜头。然天不假年,影片未及拍摄黑泽明便遽然离世。经其长子盛邀,著名导演熊井启担任本片的导演,黑泽明之女和子则担当服装设计。19th century. Oshin is a prostitute in a brothel of a red-light district. A disgraced samurai, Fusanosuke, rushes in the brothel seeking for a refuge, because he had wounded a powerful samurai. Oshin hides him from the authorities and falls in love with him, against an older prostitute's, Kikuno's, misgiving. Fusanosuke advises Oshin to cleanse herself by giving up her line of work. Believing falsely that this is a promise for marriage, she turns her customers over to the other prostitutes, who are happy to help her. Funasukoke leaves to be reconciled to his family, but, when he returns, he reveals that he is engaged and is going to marry his fiancé. Some time later a desperate itinerant, Ryosuke, appears and Oshin falls in love again. Meanwhile, an older man asks Kikuno to buy her contract and marry her, but she is entangled with an old abusive customer of hers. One night, while the madam of the brothel is away to thermal baths, a storm hits the area and everybody tries to flee. Ryosuke kills Kikuno's customer who tries to steal madam's money and runs away. Oshin and Kikuno stay at the roof hoping for a rescue from the flood. Ryosuke returns by a boat.
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