
原名:僕のヤバイ妻   又名:我的危险妻子/我的糟糕妻子/我的愚蠢丈夫(豆友译名)/Boku no Yabai Tsuma/My Dangerous Wife

状态:完结   更新:2024-05-28 12:05:35

居住在某富人社区的望月夫妇过着令人欣羡的幸福生活。望月幸平(伊藤英明 饰)出身贫寒,不过他的妻子真理亚(木村佳乃 饰)家境优渥。真理亚的父母去世后留下了丰厚的遗产,利用这笔钱幸平经营了一家咖啡店。日常里幸平的衣食起居全由真理亚一人照顾,妻子体贴入微,甚至连望月老家的母亲和姐姐也都关爱有加。可就是这样一位近乎完美的妻子,却因无微不至的关怀而引来幸平越来越多的反感。他与咖啡店主厨北里杏男(相武纱季 饰)陷入不伦之恋,后者则怂恿他杀掉妻子。 就当计划准备实施当天,妻子疑似遭人绑架。对方索要两亿日元赎金,否则将杀掉真理亚。看似老天帮助了幸平,然而接下来的事实却让他惊恐万分……©豆瓣Mochizuki Kohei married Maria, the beautiful and talented daughter of a wealthy family. He quit his job at a medium-sized advertising agency to run a cafe and appears to have everything going well with him. Although Kohei pretends to be the perfect husband, he feels suffocated by his wife's consideration and restrictions and plots her murder at the instigation of his cafe partner and lover Kitasato Anna. However, the situation drastically changes just as he makes the decision to kill Maria. When Kohei returns home, she has been kidnapped and the kidnapper demands an enormous ransom. To make things worse, he is made a suspect at some point in this kidnapping case and driven into a corner. In the middle of this, Maria's frightening true face which was completely unknown to Kohei gradually emerges.
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