
原名:カクレンボ   又名:鬼街御常夜 / KAKuRenBo / Kakurenbo: Hide and Seek

状态:313播放   更新:2023-08-26 08:08:44

《KAKURENBO》在2005年东京国际电影节上获得优秀作品奖,并在国内外的多数影展中深获好评,是一部受到全世界瞩目的全3D CG动画。   故事取材自日本民间故事。民间流传着这样的传说:不要在夜晚玩捉迷藏好,否则会被鬼抓走。在一座荒废浑沌的黑暗城市里存在著一个缝隙。孩子们知道,在那里有一个快乐的却被禁止的游戏——与称作“鬼”的异形们玩的“男人的游戏”,那就是“捉迷藏”。而且,每次“捉迷藏”的时候,进去的孩子们都会一个接一个的在建筑物里离奇消失。为了寻找失踪妹妹的少年Hikora和Yaimao,与打算揭露鬼的真面目的三人组的Noshiga,Tachiji,Suku,以及奇怪的双胞胎兄弟Inmu和Yanku等人一起加入了这场“捉迷藏”的游戏。想要探究关于这个游戏、这座城市、这个世界的秘密......In a street where no one lives, there is a rumor saying that if you play the game 'Otokoyo', or hide and seek after dark, demons will come and take you away. One night, 8 children play the game, each for their own reasons. A boy named Hikora has joined in search of his missing sister who played the game last. But when the game does begin, it becomes apparent that the rumors were true, and that children do get taken away, and Hikora discovers the fate of the one who is "it".
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