邪教活动对保罗来说是一段恐怖而痛苦的经历。好不容易从虎口逃离的他,打算回家与妻子女儿过上平静而安逸的生活,然而,回到家的他却发现自己的妻儿竟也沉迷于一种新的信仰--新世纪哲学。自从有了那次痛苦的经历后,保罗对各种形式的信仰活动保持怀疑远离态度,他不希望自己的亲人也跟随如此痛苦的回忆,更不愿他们深陷泥潭,但自己的血液中似乎一直在暗暗涌动着,那就是追求信仰的力量。不知不觉,这股力...Paul Thomas is an ex-cop who happened to be the sole survivor of a mass cult suicide in Wyoming. He returns to his home town of Santa Fe in order to put his life back together. However, soon he realizes that his ex-wife is sucked into new-age philosophies. Trying to save his daughter from the cults, he finds self-help guru Eleanor who happens to be a very attractive woman.