
原名:Maigret: Night at the Crossroads   又名:十字路口之夜

状态:HD720P中字   更新:2023-08-21 10:08:43

一个复杂的谋杀案故事,在一个与世隔绝的农村里上演着欺骗和贪婪。Maigret询问了一个神秘的丹麦人数小时,Carl Andersen,他也没有认罪。为什么一个钻石商的尸体会出现在他家?他是无辜的,亦或是一个骗子。他美丽却脆弱的妹妹知道些什么?是什么让三寡路口的每个人都如此神秘?Maigret准备去找到他的凶手。Maigret has been interrogating a mysterious Dane, Carl Andersen, for hours without a confession. Why was the body of a diamond merchant found in his car at his isolated mansion? He's either innocent or a very good liar. What does his beautiful but vulnerable sister know? And what compels everyone at the Three Widows Crossroads to be so secretive? Maigret sets out to find his killer which ultimately leads to a thrilling climax.
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