杰出的犹太族外科医生马姆洛克教授是一个只关心医学,不过问政治的人。他看不出纳粹产生的危险,也不明白看病的瓦尔特为什么会为了政治主张而置自己的健康而不顾。在他看来,纳粹分子就跟黑尔帕赫博士一样,既“不顾大局”,也决不会杀人。当他的儿子罗尔夫投入反纳粹的斗争中时,他把儿子赶出家门。他相信,不需要暴力,光靠理性和讲道理就能解决问题,取得胜利。希特勒上台不久,因为马姆洛克是犹太,他便不能继续在医院里工作了……Professor Hans Mamlock is the distinguished chief of surgery in a university hospital. The year is 1933, and although the Professor is Jewish, he remains unconcerned with politics and the growing Nazi threat. Mamlock identifies strongly as a German, and he believes his culture to be simply incapable of the common barbarism associated with the Nazi party. Accordingly, he shows little understanding for people with strong or unpopular political views, such as Walter, a patient, and Rolf, his own son. Indeed, when Rolf joins the communists in resisting the Nazis, Mamlock throws him out of his house. As the persecution of Jews intensifies during the 1930s, Mamlock's own daughter is targeted for anti-Semitic attacks at her school. Professor Mamlock, however, refuses to believe her, and at work he disregards the anti-Semitism of his colleague, Dr. Hellpach. By 1938, however, anti-Jewish racial laws demand Mamlock's removal from office. He is physically marched from the hospital by Nazi ...