<安昙春子下落不明>原作山内玛丽子另一部知名小说<到这里迎接无聊>宣布映画化,桥本爱主演,门脇麦&成田凌共演,广木隆一导演作品。故事以日趋单一化,缺乏独创性的社会背景展开,描写当代年轻人寻找属于自己生活空间的青春物语。 目前电影已经拍摄完毕,今年秋季公映。Two girls dream of the same man. One remained in their hometown, went with Shiina and wants to revisit the happy times with him again. The other moved away, returned to move back in with her parents and establishes contact with Shiina and other friends. It may be that either a rivalry or a triangle is in the offing.