
原名:我儿子去了外星球   又名:E.T. 悲伤乐园 / E.T. Made in China

状态:正片   更新:2024-05-28 02:05:08

农民陈立根在村口捡到一具不知真假的外星人尸体,他认为尸体跟自己失踪的儿子有关,为了找回儿子,他开始守护尸体。A villager, Chen Ligen who discovered an unidentifiable body, suspected to be of extra-terrestrial origins. Chen suspected there may be a link between the body and the recent disappearance of his son. Naive Chen believes aliens will appear again, so he protects the body in hopes it can be exchanged for his son. Chen Ligen's story caught the attention of high profile TV's journalists. Two journalists have begun filming a documentary of Chen's absurd story. The journalists found that Chen's home (Lebo Village) was unprogressive and scheduled to be demolished. Property developers tried to persuade Chen into moving to another village. However, Chen insisted to stay in the village until he was reunited with his son. The developers knew Chen placed the hopes on the alien's body being used as a bargaining chip to return his son, and hence resorted to trickery to force Chen out of the village. During the process of investigation, the journalists discovered, Chen met in secret with a hobo inside an abandoned ship. The hobo lied to Chen about the alien body he had discovered in the village and having a great connection with the aliens. However the journalists knew the hobo is a junky and liar. In the end, police found Chen's son, but he was dead. Chen finally understood he was cheated by the hobo. However he still held hope and wanted to wait for the aliens, he believed aliens will bring his son back. When everyone realised Chen was insane, the aliens appear......
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