《医生冠军》以泰陵选手村为背景,从国家运动员主治医的角度来看体育世界,是一部新颖搞笑的体育题材电视剧。 金素妍在剧中饰演负责运动选手身体健康的主治医金妍雨。在自己的指导教授引发医疗事故之后,她也被赶出了医院,进入泰陵选手村,经历与选手们之间的矛盾之后成长为成熟干练的医生。在剧中,她将与国家级柔道选手朴志宪(郑糠云),以及自己的上司医务室长李道旭(未定)走微妙的爱情路线,给剧情制造紧张感。Kim Yeon Woo is an orthopedic doctor who takes up a new post at Taereung National Village, the training center for national Olympic athletes, after she is fired from her previous job. She becomes romantically involved with Park Ji Heon, a young judo athlete, and Lee Do Wook, the short-tempered, crippled director of the facility who is still haunted by the injury that had cut short his speed-skating career. This is further complicated by the presence of the swimming coach, Hee Young, who becomes her rival for the attentions of Do Wook.