当《复仇者之死》的麦浚龙以死成全富川影帝梦,但韩国仍有复仇者未死。弱势男生为12年的冤狱的复仇记,逃狱后变成铁岩溪谷地下新街霸,誓要把当日杀他全家的真凶找出来一一血祭,一场极速杀伐的血斗蓄势待发。新世代影人池夏珍以低成本独立製作与近年来众多韩国复仇大片单打独斗,拍摄处理得轻巧细緻,影像凌厉,观感既刺激且真实,获欧洲奇幻影展联盟亚洲电影奖实至名归。Chul-ki who just got out of prison kills a police officer and a junk shop owner. He always carries a small ballerina music box with old memories. Chul-ki leaves for Kangwon province to find the remaining two people in his memos, Ghost Face and Axe. Ghost Face and Axe commits murder by order of their boss and become wanted criminals. The two hide out at an illegal gambling house in Kangwon province run by the boss. Committing all sorts of crimes all their life, the two have no where left to run.