一位名叫艾纳森的男性的尸体被警方发现,负责调查此案的警官赛格找到了艾纳森的妻子,想要了解情况。艾纳森的儿子告诉赛格,曾经有一个名叫丽安娜的女子想要买走艾纳森的车,并且留下了写有自己名字的字条,让赛格感到震惊的是,丽安娜的死和前不久被杀害的妓女玛雅有着千丝万缕的关联,经过赛格的顺藤摸瓜,一个名叫艾娃的女子浮出了水面。 艾娃曾经是一名艺术家,然而沉重的经济压力让她无法抵挡金钱的诱惑,在玛雅的威逼利诱之下选择出卖自己的肉体。然而,玛雅在艾娃的面前被嫖客杀死了,艾娃拿走了玛雅的钱,并且发誓要为玛雅报仇,她将嫌疑人的目标锁定在了艾纳森的身上。While Eva Magnus and her daughter, Jenny, are taking a walk, they discover a dead body floating along the riverside. Eva runs to the nearest phone booth and pretends to call the police. Then she leaves the body for someone else to find. Why? Konrad Sejer, the police officer investigating the case, links it to another unsolved murder of a woman killed in her bed. A woman that used to be a childhood friend of Eva Magnus...