科搜研之女 2016正月特别篇

未知 日本  2016  日语 

原名:科捜研の女 正月スペシャル   又名:

状态:37播放   更新:2023-08-21 10:08:19

新春伊始,京都市某药店老板遭人杀害,京都府警搜查一课刑警土门薰(内藤刚志 饰)和蒲原勇树(石井一彰 饰)迅速赶往现场调查。而从组织犯罪对策第三课刑警落合佐妃子(池上季实子 饰)口中得知,该店之前似乎发生过集团盗窃事件。刑警带着被故意删除的监视器录像找到科搜研的榊真理子(泽口靖子 饰),进而推断此前有过持有违禁药物前科的川田修斗(石垣佑磨 饰)及其父亲胜(伊武雅刀 饰)具有重大嫌疑,父子二人可能正秘密经营这一条毒品销售渠道。在真理子的协助下,川田父子下一步的动向慢慢浮出水面,新的战斗全面展开……   本片为同名系列的SP作品。Merlin and Second Banana are thrown off a train. Merlin produces a feast from his hat; Lo, the Poor Indian sees this and covets the hat. He grabs it, but his attempts to use it backfire, and Merlin tricks him repeatedly during the ensuing chase. Lo finally gets the hat again; Merlin says he can have it, but first they need to smoke the peace pipe: a giant bomb. Merlin gets to his performance, and it turns out to be an audience full of Indians, who attack.
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