玛利亚在调解一个斗殴过程中自己也被袭击了,刚刚解决完这个纠纷她就赶往离此地不远的一个死尸现场。这样的巧合,玛利亚怀疑凶手目睹了她调解纠纷的整个过程。 作案的动机好像是对女同的痛恨或者对于她们不忠的报复。凶杀案也一再发生。 经过玛利亚的调查,最终发现所有受害者都是艾丽卡的新男朋友精神病医生安德斯的病人。艾丽卡开始怀疑并试着离开安德斯,直到面对真正的杀手:安德斯隐藏了一个惊天秘密,他有一个精神失常的儿子。他从精神病院逃脱打算杀掉每一个从他父亲那里得到爱的人,也包括艾丽卡。Deputy Crime Commissioner Maria Wern tries to stop a fight, but is himself assaulted. Later, a woman is found murdered near the scene of the assault. For Maria, it will be the start of a frustrating case. For neither neighbors nor other potential witnesses seem to want to help the police. Maria Wern hunts down Linn Bogren's killer. It's a frustrating case, because none of the potential witnesses seem to want to help the police. And soon the killer strikes again.