
原名:In the Loop   又名:知道人士 / 通灵人士 / 有力人士

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-29 06:01:03

本片是一部政治讽刺喜剧片,班底大多来自受到好评的英国电视剧《The Thick of It》。   美国总统和英国首相忽然希望发动一场战争。这次会速战速决的,他们保证!   美国将军米勒(詹姆斯·甘多菲尼)不这样认为,英国国务大臣西蒙福斯特(汤姆·霍兰德)和他看法一样。   然而,西蒙在意外地通过黄金时段的电视节目表达对军事行动的支持后,他忽然发现自己在华盛顿有了很多朋友。   如果西蒙能够接触到华盛顿的特定人物,如果手下(克里斯·阿迪森)能够顺利把实习生(安娜·克鲁姆斯基)哄上床,如果他们能够阻住首相的首席战略师马尔科姆·滕克(彼得·卡帕尔蒂 )操纵联合国投票的把戏,他们就能阻止这场战争。   如果他们不能……大不了还可以解雇他们的顾问朱迪(吉娜·麦凯)。他们从来就不喜欢的朱迪,正在国内对付管道阻塞的选民们和因为塌墙而跳脚的暴躁男(史蒂夫·库根)的朱迪。The US President and UK Prime Minister fancy a war. But not everyone agrees that war is a good thing. The US General Miller doesn't think so and neither does the British Secretary of State for International Development, Simon Foster. But, after Simon accidentally backs military action on TV, he suddenly has a lot of friends in Washington, DC. If Simon can get in with the right DC people, if his entourage of one can sleep with the right intern, and if they can both stop the Prime Minister's chief spin-doctor Malcolm Tucker rigging the vote at the UN, they can halt the war. If they don't... well, they can always sack their Director of Communications Judy, who they never liked anyway and who's back home dealing with voters with blocked drains and a man who's angry about a collapsing wall.
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