
原名:Ein gefährliches Angebot   又名:Ein verhängnisvolles Angebot

状态:22播放   更新:2023-08-22 12:08:20

女子受高薪誘惑加入大公司,卻發現陷入善惡抉擇的遊戲。企圖心強的女警伊娜對警察生活感到失望,她從前在警校的教練湯瑪斯提森開了一間私人保全公司,湯瑪斯以高薪招攬伊娜轉職。      到任沒多久,伊娜就發現新公司的營運方式罔顧任何道德標準。她的第一份任務,是要證明某綠能企業的董事會成員麥克迪哈特刻意洩密來影響公司股價,伊娜和同事違法在迪哈特的家裝竊聽器,且駭入他的電子郵件帳號。一次又一次的非法舉動,使得伊娜深陷詭計,到最後連自己都可能成為下一名犧牲者。一部精彩的現代驚悚片,描述一名力爭上游的女警如何誤入歧途。When the ambitious young Ina fails the exam for admission to a senior police career, an offer from her former trainer Theissen comes just in time: the ex-policeman has founded a security company that advises a large Eco company in the search for an information leak. When it turns out that the company's founder, of all people, is betraying the company's secrets, Theissen resorts to a dirty trick in order to kill the man; and Ina becomes the scapegoat.
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