电影是三部曲的第一部。詹姆斯·伯纳德已经成为新泽西州最危险的罪犯。从他早期偷车的技能来看,达奇认识到了统治街道的机会,他抓住了这个机会。在黑手党的保护和尊重下,达奇成为街头最可怕的势力。地方检察官安东尼·雅各布斯决心干掉达奇和他的手下,他相信他的证人会指证他们。Dutch: The First of a Trilogy. James Bernard Jr., a.k.a. Dutch, has become the most dangerous criminal in New Jersey. From his early skill as a car thief, Dutch recognized the opportunity to rule the streets and he seized it. With both the protection and respect of the Mafia, Dutch becomes the most terrifying force on the streets. District Attorney Anthony Jacobs is determined to take down Dutch and his crew, and he's confident that his witnesses will testify against them.
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