
原名:白日夢   又名:Daydream

状态:HD中字   更新:2024-05-28 05:05:06

因一起入室盗窃案,小警察仓桥诚一(大坂俊介 饰)结识了带有几分神秘气质的女孩叶室千枝子(西条美咲 饰)。这起案件中,千枝子独独丢失了一本相册,这令她颇为担忧,仓桥则担保为她找回失物。千枝子在日高齿科担任助手工作,她和医生日高长期维持着不伦之恋。不久,相册被送到仓桥手中, 他再次寻找千枝子,却发现这个女孩早已离职。一番追寻,关于千枝子的真实身份渐渐浮出水面……   本片根据日本著名官能作家谷崎润一郎的同名小说改编,系该小说发表一百周年纪念作品。此前《白日梦》曾被三次搬上银幕,皆由著名导演武智铁二执导。本片导演之一爱染恭子参与过80版、87版两部的演出。An artist named Kurahashi and a female artist named Cheiko wait in a dentist's waiting room. The man feels attracted to the woman but says nothing to her. Later in the examining room, both patients are going under anesthesia, but the man looks over at the woman and sees the dentist and nurse taking off her clothes, while sucking her body for blood like vampires. The man and woman escape from the dentist's office, but their horror is only about to begin...
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