
原名:Home on the Range   又名:牧场是我家 / 放牛吃草 / 至叻皇牛党 / 奶牛总动员

状态:HD   更新:2024-05-28 08:05:01

三只母牛玛姬、格蕾丝和卡洛维夫人住在同一个农场里,最近,她们都在为自己的生计发愁。因为农场主——一个寡妇无力负担贷款,农场正面临着解散的危机。为了保住自己的安乐窝,三只母牛想出了一个办法,就是合力逮住当地的一名恶名昭著的通缉犯史林,用优厚的奖金挽救农场。一匹曾经是赏金猎人的坐骑的叫布克的马为了证明自己的实力也加入了她们的团队,这下抓捕军团可以说是兵强马壮了。只是,史林还拥有一件他们意想不到的武器,想抓住他真的这么简单吗?Alameda Slim, a wanted cattle rustler, uses an alias to buy up properties all over western Nebraska, and his next target is the Patch of Heaven dairy farm, where the widow owner cares more for her 'family' of yard animals's welfare then for profit, so she just hasn't got the cash to keep in business. The other animals, mainly carefree youngsters, being unable, three cows of very different temperament and manners rise to the desperate occasion and set out to do battle for their dream home, teaming up unnaturally with each-other, the sheriff's megalomaniac horse and any other animal who can possibly help, even a crazy lucky rabbit and an invincible buffalo, hoping to beat the crook to the Patch's auction, or anything it takes...
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