原作曾在2011年5月至2015年3月在《月刊少年MAGAJIN》上连载,单行本全11卷累计发行部数超过400万册的人气作品,曾获得了第37届讲谈社漫画奖大奖。2014年漫画被改编成电视动画,讲述因母亲的去世而开始无法弹钢琴的天才钢琴少年有马公生遇见了任性奔放的小提琴手宫园薰,钢琴与母亲的回忆涌现,同时宫园薰身上的秘密也让二人的青春生活发生了变化。Kosei Arima won numerous piano competitions while under the strict watch of his mother. He was known as the human metronome during that time. Since the death of his mother, Kosei Arima has been unable to hear the sound of his piano. Kosei Arima then meets Kaori Miyazono through childhood friend Tsubaki Sawabe. Kaori Miyazono plays the violin and has a free spirit. Since meeting her, Kosei Arima is able to face the piano again. Meanwhile, Kaori holds a secret.