
原名:刀尖   又名:Seven Killings

状态:中共王牌特工传奇故事   更新:2024-09-22 05:09:33

1940年,多方势力盘踞南京,特工金深水(张译 饰)终日周旋于日本军方、汪伪政府和军统之间,如同行走于刀尖一般,有着多重身份的他,在满目疮痍的南京城里小心翼翼地活着,隐藏着真实的自己,也寻找着自己乃至整个民族的生路。直到他遇到了和他一样心怀国仇家恨、却似乎比他更游刃有余的林婴婴(郎月婷 饰),在和她并肩作战与各方势力展开明争暗斗的过程中,于乱世中求生的金深水第一次开始真正地觉醒……In 1940, various forces occupied Nanjing, and special agent Jin Shenshui was constantly hovering between the Japanese military, the Wang puppet government, and the Military Statistics Bureau. Like walking on the tip of a knife, he had multiple identities and lived cautiously in the devastated city of Nanjing, hiding his true self and searching for his own and even the entire nation's way of life. Until he met Lin Yingying, who shared the same hatred for his country and family, but seemed to be more adept than him. In the process of fighting alongside her and engaging in open and secret struggles with various forces, Jin Shenshui, who had survived the chaotic times, began to truly awaken for the first time.
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