泷本初海(朝仓亚纪 饰)曾经有过一个非常恩爱的男友,不幸的是,在三年前他因为一场意外去世了。男友的死给初海的精神带来了巨大的打击,让她无法再继续自己的生活。初海辞掉了稳定的工作,转而成为了餐厅服务员,每天过着枯燥而麻木的日子,内心里没有一丁点对于生活的热情和对于未来的期望。 初海所在的餐厅里有一位名叫藤太郎(三浦贵大 饰)的常客,虽然这个男人话不多,但实际上他默默的关注着满脸忧郁的初海已经很久了。藤太郎是一名染布师傅,某日,他给初海寄去了一封信,邀请她来参观自己的布艺工坊,这趟旅程改变了初海的命运。Takimoto Hatsumi was a former teacher who suffered the suicide of her lover. Unable to cope with the grief, she quit her teaching job and became a waitress. At the restaurant where she works, she encounters Shibuma Totaro, a former student who now works as a textile artist. They both feel an attraction to each other, despite their history, and decide to try a relationship. Will it work out? Can Hatsumi get over her grief and find happiness and love again?