
原名:L'homme de Rio   又名:飞渡关山夺宝战 / 里约男子 / That Man from Rio

状态:HD   更新:2024-06-19 09:06:22

法国动作巨星贝尔蒙多最走红时主演了这部节奏紧凑利落的冒险动作片,在片中饰演介乎詹姆斯·邦德与印第安那·琼斯的英雄,负责找寻被盗取的巴西珍贵古物,经过一连串的追踪、打斗和揭发内奸的行动,终于完成了任务。全片娱乐元素丰富,贝尔蒙多充分发挥其敏捷身手,演出了不少紧张刺激的动作场面。导演在优秀的摄影师协助下,跨国拍摄了优美的地域风光,使影片增色不少,同时在悬念与动作之外也有轻松惹笑的趣味平衡气氛,堪称是一部成功的法式喜剧动作片。在60年代,本片是法国乃至欧洲影坛少数能与好莱坞产品在商业和票房上相抗衡之作。Farce, spy spoof, and adventure. Swarthy thieves ignore jewels to steal an Amazon figurine from the Museum of Man in Paris' Trocadero Palace and kidnap the world's authority on the lost Maltec civilization. Cut to Agnes, the daughter of a murdered man who possessed one of two other such figurines. Moments after her sweetheart, Adrien, an Army private with a week's leave, arrives in Paris to see her, Agnes too is kidnapped, drugged, and loaded on a plane to Rio. Adrien is in hot pursuit, and before he can rescue her (with the help of a shoeshine boy), foil the murderous thieves, and solve the riddle of the Maltecs, he must traverse Rio, Brasília, and the Amazon heartland... all before the end of his week's leave.
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