
原名:ホワイトアルバム   又名:纯白相薄 / 白色相册 / White Album

状态:第26集   更新:2023-08-26 09:08:11

森川由绮(平野绫 配音)是隶属于绪方事务所的大学生偶像歌手,外表可爱歌声甜美的她在社会上拥有着高超的人气。由绮有着一个从大学时代开始交往的男友,名叫藤井冬弥(前野智昭 配音),对于他们之间的感情,由绮分外的珍惜和看重。可惜冬弥却并不这么认为,对于女友日益高涨的人气,生性胆小懦弱的冬弥感到了分外的压力,两人之间开始有了深深的隔阂。   和由绮同一事务所的绪方理奈(水树奈奈 配音)出现在了冬弥的视线中。和由绮不同,理奈拥有着时尚的外形,个性也颇为要强,但正是这样的不同吸引了冬弥的目光。与此同时,开朗活泼的泽仓美咲(高本惠 配音),幼齿天真的观月麻奈(户松遥 配音)亦结连出现在了冬弥的身边,陷入情感漩涡的冬弥不知该何去何从。Touya Fujii is a normal college student with normal worries. He is also concerned about the amount of time he has to spend with Yuki Morikawa, or rather, the lack of it. Being an up and coming idol singer, Yuki has concerns of her own. Even though she's not yet as popular as experienced veteran Rina Ogata, Yuki is turning heads and landing interviews on television. While it may seem exciting to watch your girlfriend on television, how does Touya really feel about all this? Between the challenges associated with Yuki's career and other people that Touya meets at his university, their relationship may not last.
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