哈罗德是一位坚持自己有病并待在<有钱人修养身心俱乐部>里的年轻富豪。医生们某天终于受不了哈罗德,他被建议到南方的度假岛屿养病,没想到却阴错阳差碰上当地的军阀革命,还被误认为是世界银行联盟的代表。身体健康却坚持要养病的他,该如何在这一团混乱的小岛获得自己想要的生活呢?Harold Van Pelham (Lloyd) is a hypochondriac, rich businessman who sails to the tropics for his 'health.' Instead of the peace and seclusion he is seeking, he finds himself in the middle of a revolution. He is imprisoned where he befriends the friendly giant, Colosso (Aasen), and they engineer an escape. Together, they quell the revolution.