某个清晨的街道,一个老婆婆失手让推着的婴儿车从斜坡滚下,这时,麻将馆收工的恒夫(妻夫木聡饰)恰好路过,他上前查看,惊讶地发现婴儿车里竟然有个年纪不小的女孩子(池脇千鹤饰)! 原来,女孩子是老婆婆的孙女,从小双腿残疾,婆婆觉得丢人,就把她藏在家里,只在清早带她出去散心。令恒夫惊讶的是,这个女孩子的身上不仅没有流露脆弱或自卑,反而有些特别的地方:她烧得一手好菜,她读各种各样从垃圾里捡回的书,她自己给自己取名叫Jozee,她想着从黑市买Tokarev手枪自卫,和恒夫出去逛街时,她无比眷恋地说想把天空的云彩带回家。 虽然恒夫已经有了女朋友(上野樹里饰),他还是不知不觉被Jozee吸引过去……Tsuneo is a university student working part-time in a mah-jong parlour. Lately the customers have been talking about an old lady who pushes a baby carriage through the streets. They say she is carrying something for a crime syndicate, and they wonder what it is she has in the carriage. Money? Drugs? One day, the owner of the mah-jong parlour sends Tsuneo out to walk his dog. A baby carriage comes rolling down a hill and crashes into a guard rail. The old lady asks him to look into the carriage, where he finds a young woman clutching a knife. This is how Tsuneo first meets the girl who calls herself Josée.