
原名:Pony   又名:

状态:35播放   更新:2023-09-20 03:09:15

克劳迪娅是一位勤劳的单身母亲,她不得不在最后一刻出城进行一次重要的商务旅行,迫使她把5岁的女儿米科留给杰夫叔叔,杰夫叔叔是一位50多岁的摇滚音乐家,他仍在为自己的辉煌岁月而奔波。在周末照顾一个精力充沛的5岁孩子时,杰夫必须放下他对伟大的幻想,面对现实。Miko是他重新评估自己生活的催化剂,他与最初引领他走向音乐的灵感重新联系,他能够温和地引导她对人生沧桑的初步理解。Claudia, a hardworking single mom, has to go out of town on an important last minute business trip, forcing her to leave her 5 year old daughter MIKO with uncle JEFF, a rock musician in his 50's who is still running on fumes of his glory days. Spending the weekend looking after a spirited 5 year old, Jeff must suspend his delusions of grandeur and face reality. Miko is the catalyst for him to re-evaluate his life and re-connect with the inspiration that originally led him to music and he is able to gently guide her to a nascent understanding of life's vicissitudes.
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