影片主人公遥对自己的田径实力有着绝对的自信,为了成为世界级选手这一目标,遥始终坚持刻苦训练。但因为一场车祸,遥变得半身不遂,只能依靠轮椅生活。被关上了梦想大门的遥开始紧闭心扉自暴自弃。但是在周围人们的帮助和支持下,遥找到了残奥会皮划艇这一新的梦想,并开始为参加残奥会而努力训练,走出了人生低谷并开辟出了新的道路。Female athlete Haruka shows quite a bit of promise and potential, but an unfortunate accident paralyzes her from the waist down. This not only does damage to her body, but also affects her mentally to the point of animosity. She has lost interest in most things. She comes to meet people who see her as a person and not as a disabled former athlete and becomes interested and involved in paracanoe.