
原名:Undskyld jeg forstyrrer   又名:Excuse Me / Biroller

状态:30播放   更新:2023-08-22 04:08:57

年轻美丽的海伦娜有些神经错乱。根据她母亲的说法,她的出生就是个“技术性失误”。她的父亲在她出生前就离家出走,如今她怀疑父亲有可能就是哥本哈根一家古老剧院的过气导演。海伦娜的母亲有一只狗,海伦娜曾长期生活在它的阴影下。不过如今在这只狗的牵线搭桥下,海伦娜通过一系列不可思议的巧合逐渐接近了她的生身父亲。本片是一部夸张喜剧,既告诉人们如何在生活中找到自己的位置,又揭示了为得到认同必须付出的代价。这是一个关于寻找身份的故事——既包括动物,也包括人。'Excuse Me' is a love fable of the young beautiful but confused, Helene, who according to her domineering mother has come into the world as a 'technical hitch'. Helene's search for her unknown father leads her to a small ailing Copenhagen theater. Helped by her mother's dog, Helene has always stood in the shadow of, she succeeds to get close to the theater director and the rest of the hard-pressed personal gallery. It is a surprising journey where everything is turned upside down, and where Helene doesn't necessarily find what she wanted, but something else - and much bigger.
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