他在机上将记有大亨罗伯特犯罪记录的笔记本放在了波非的包里。于是,一下飞机,他们遭到打手布鲁诺等人的追杀,无奈之下,弗兰克与波非只好男扮女装,混迹于这群选美姑娘的行列,从而阴差阳错的搞出了许多无厘头的笑话。当他们的身份被藏身美女中的卧底探员诺科识破后, 不得已开始协助诺科一起收集这次选美活动组织者罗伯特的犯罪证据。斯间,罗伯特对化名爱佛的弗兰克一见钟情,这让弗兰克难于应对。最终,在经过一场空中搏斗和飞车求爱的闹剧后,布鲁诺弃暗投明,罗 伯特终于被绳之以法,而弗兰克与波非也成为了正式的特工成员。Two friends, both named Frank, accidentally obtain a suitcase at the airport. It contains incriminating evidence against a mafia boss, who sends his Terminator-like lackie to find them. The Franks hide by impersonating make-up women for a beauty pageant. While in drag, the mafioso falls in love with one of the Franks.