樱木雏子(市道真央 配音)是一个个性十分内向和害羞的女孩,然而,她的心中却怀揣着成为一名戏剧演员的梦想。为了实现自己的梦想,雏子决定推自己一把,离开了熟悉的故乡,前往首都,她希望在那里能够结识到新的朋友,磨练自己与他人交往的能力。 雏子住进了名为四季庄的宿舍里,让雏子没有想到的是,这里竟然是一家旧书店。在四季庄,雏子认识了很多朋友——个性开朗乐观喜欢吃书的奇怪少女夏川久依奈(富田美忧 配音)、平日里沉默寡言但一旦站在舞台之上就能够口若悬河的荻野千秋(东城日沙子 配音)、外表娇小可爱却一直十分努力的生活着的柊真雪(小仓唯 配音)。Hinako Sakuragi, a girl who just moved to Tokyo to attend Fujiyama High School as a freshman. She started living at Hitotose Bookstore which is also an apartment and a cafe along with her new friends. Hinako is really shy that she would froze up like a scarecrow. But even so, she has a big dream to become a theatre actress to change herself, so she started her own theatre troupe with her friends and aiming to perform at Suzuran Theatre.