近未来世界,恐怖的病毒肆虐横行,传统食物和实体商店令人避之不及,名为SVC的系统得到开发,通过虚拟网络和监控将人类纳入统一管理和监视之下。人们食用绝对安全的合成食物,做着有限的物理交流,虚拟网络成为他们生活不可或缺的一部分。与人存在交流障碍的少女牧野叶月(沖佳苗 配音)在同小组都筑美绪(井上麻里奈 配音)的引领下骗过骗过无处不在的监视系统,走出家门,和同伴神埜歩未(五十嵐裕美 配音)寻找同组失踪的女孩矢部的下落。暗影之下,一桩桩连续杀人案件背后的秘密相继浮出水面…… 本片根据京极夏彦的同名奇幻小说改编。Anime feature directed by Junichi Fujisaku in which a group of girls set out to solve a murder mystery in the tense future reality they inhabit. With a deadly virus having drastically reduced the worldwide human population, life is tough for Hazuki Makino and her friends. With little to eat beyond synthetic food manufactured from sunflower seeds and human contact discouraged by their elders, the girls are discontented with their life and eager for adventure. When a series of unexplained murders occur Hazuki and the rest of the group begin an amateur investigation that quickly leads them to question the values of their society.