少女たちの間でひそかな前世ブームを呼んだ人気少女漫画をOVAにしたもの。 東京の高校に転入してきた少女・坂口亜梨子(ありす)は、知り合ったふたりの少年が同じ内容の夢を見ているということを聞かされた。彼らは夢の中では別の名を名乗り、月の基地から地球を見守っているらしい。しばらくして、亜梨子もまたふたりの語った世界に自分がいる夢を見る。それは三人の前世を示しているのか……、他の仲間もまた転生しているかもという可能性を探るため、雑誌の投稿コーナーで呼び掛けることに。一方で、亜梨子の隣に住む悪ガキ・輪は転落事故に遭って以降、超能力を用いて暗躍を開始する。 壮大なスケールで綴る原作の前半部分がアニメ化されている。後年には総集編とミュージックイメージビデオも発売された。High school student Alice Sakaguchi has been having consistent but strange dreams: she dreams she is an extraterrestrial being living on the moon and monitoring the Earth. These dreams are too strange - and too real - for her to ignore them, and her curiosity deepens when she learns other people are having similar "moon" dreams, including her neighbor Rin Kobayashi and her two classmates Jinpachi and Issei. Soon the four friends meet three other students with moon dreams like them, and the group of seven start to fix together the events and from within their dreams. They uncover a startling truth: the dreams are actually memories of past lives - all seven had been a community of alien scientists who were stationed on the moon to observe and study the Earth. But they discover that the community came to a mysterious and tragic end... and the group faces a disturbing idea: could the deeds, events and memories of a previous incarnation impact on a current one? The group now strives to deal with what happened in their old lives, and struggles to prevent their past avatars from controlling their present ones.