天都城内频频出现怪象,法师们从各方赶来,试图找到真相。 阴阳师晴明(赵又廷 饰)在探寻真相的过程中,与武士博雅(邓伦 饰)、法师泷夜(春夏 饰)、鹤守月(汪铎 饰)相识,四人决定联手展开调查。深宫内,公主(王子文 饰)背负着巨大秘密,深陷这场迷案中...却未曾料到,这背 后暗藏一段哀伤的往事。 一场危机悄然来临,在紧急关头,有人为知己、有人为心上人、有人为世间安宁,大家为了守护心中所爱,拼死一战……Qing Ming, the Yin-Yang Master, took his master's last wish and went to the Captial Tiandu City to attend the heaven ceremony. Qing Ming started off with Boya, the young nobleman and a warrior, as foes of each other, but later they became the best friends . The two partnered as a team and solved the bizarre cases, uncovered a century-long secret, and saved the world from the dark power.