
原名:Winter Castle   又名:伴郎爱上我

状态:49播放   更新:2023-08-22 07:08:31

当她的妹妹梅格决定在冰酒店举行一场目的地婚礼时,珍妮非常激动。她的妹妹同样兴奋地与最好的男人克雷格,一个丧偶(显然)的单身父亲,她声称是"完美的"珍妮。当珍妮到达冰酒店时,它比她想象的还要神奇。当珍妮被介绍给克雷格的"加一"时,她对爱情的希望很快就破灭了,拉娜穿着人造毛皮,从太多的自晒中带着略带橙色的羊毛。在他们对周围环境的相互兴奋和作为伴娘和最佳男人的职责之间,珍妮和克雷格发现自己不断地挤在一起——这使得珍妮很难忽视他们显而易见的联系,因为他们尝试了从冰雕到狗雪橇,甚至雪管提供的一切。离婚礼只有一天的时间了,寒冷的拉娜整个星期都坚持下来,她回到了加利福尼亚。在她离开之前,克雷格有一个诚实的时刻与她,并承认他没有...Jenny is thrilled when her sister Meg, decides to have a destination wedding at an ice hotel. Her sister is just as excited to set Jenny up with the best man, Craig, a widowed (and apparently) single dad who she claims is "perfect" for Jenny. When Jenny arrives at the ice hotel it's even more magical than she had imagined. Jenny's hopes of romance are quickly dashed when she is introduced to Craig's "plus one", Lana who arrives in faux furs and slightly orange from too much self-tanner. Between their mutual excitement over their surroundings and their duties as bridesmaid and best man, Jenny and Craig find themselves constantly thrown together - making it hard for Jenny to ignore their obvious connection as they try everything offered from ice sculpting to dog sledding and even snow tubing. With the wedding just a day away, the cold Lana has been fending off all week takes hold and she returns to California. Before she leaves, Craig has an honest moment with her and admits he doesn't ...
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