精彩的实验影片。表面上影片开始是在讲述一对面临分手的年轻男女;渐渐地故事情节也分崩离析。很快,影片导演亲自站到摄影机前,故事发展为“片中片”;然后引入其他导演来挽救这部影片:香特尔·阿克曼与雅克·杜瓦隆。经过两小时的“雾里看花”观众自己会判断出究竟导演们能否成功“挽救”这部影片。A young film director is turning a movie with his friend Christa (reminds us of the real-life relationship between Garrel and Nico). In the film-within-the-film there are two couples, one real, one imagined , and the film - told through five dreams - is as much the story of a film on-production, as the birth of a child.