田中(小野贤章 配音)是1-F班的学生,身体孱弱的他长着一副宛如女孩子般的秀气面孔,讲起话来亦细声细语,还常常讲到一半就因为体力不支而睡着。无论何时,田中都是一副迷迷糊糊的困倦模样,生活中任何麻烦的事情都和他无缘。 长相有些凶恶的太田(细谷佳正 配音)常常被人误认为是不良少年,但实际上,他却担任着田中身边“保姆”的职责,在生活之中对他照顾有加并且乐在其中。活泼开朗的元气少女宫野(高森奈津美 配音)一直暗恋着大姐头越前(诹访彩花 配音),为了能够成为和越前相配的同伴,宫野拜了田中为师,向他学习稳重慵懒之道。充满了欢乐的日常就此展开。This unconventional, surrealist comedy follows an exhausted high school boy who, despite multiple attempts from his friends, still manages to spectacularly... sleep. Much to the chagrin of the energetic (at times bossy) Ohta, Tanaka is often found in a blissful state of lethargy, possessing the ability to doze off in any situation, especially inmid-sentence!