喜剧《大象》讲述了发生在房东一家人和三家房客之间的幽默搞笑故事。中学生天真无邪的校园生活,20岁年轻人之间热烈浪漫的爱情故事,30岁失业者内心的苦闷与寂寞以及40岁的中年人对家庭的责任和70岁老爷爷对生活的重新认识将构成该剧的故事主线。同一屋檐下几家人的不同生活状态将把观众们带回到现实生活当中来,在捧腹大笑的同时体会生活的真实。Gook Young Soo (Psy Ko) is a high school Korean language teacher. He is on bad terms with Joo Bok Man (Gae Ko), a high school student in his 40s and the landlord. Joo's two sons and Guk's three daughters also live in Joo's house, and everyone becomes involved in various incidents and relationships, including romance. The show depicts the lives of a group of characters in the sitcom having nicknames ending with \"ko.\"