
原名:Большой дом   又名:

状态:69播放   更新:2024-03-02 05:03:58

克格勃中校米哈伊尔·希罗科夫获悉,他的宿敌亚历山大·斯特罗加诺夫(绰号格拉夫)被发现在列宁格勒,他是一名前惩罚者和破坏者,曾在战争期间为德国情报机构工作。在地下白卫军残部、警察队伍中的破坏组织“之字形”和“鼹鼠”的帮助下,他必须执行一个复杂的计划来摧毁这座城市。任务是爆炸五个革命象征,其主要目标是大房子。年轻的米哈伊尔·希罗科夫(时任内务人民委员部特工)和他的老师、高级中尉叶列梅耶夫阻止了这场灾难,所有阴谋者都被消灭,但斯特罗加诺夫伯爵设法逃脱。1965年,希罗科夫中校检查了现在居住在列宁格勒的所有斯特罗加诺夫家族。嫌疑落在放映员斯特罗加诺夫身上。事实上,他和他的妻子洛拉被美国情报机构遗弃在苏联。他们的目标是绑架一位著名的核物理学家并将他带到国外。希罗科夫和他的团队追踪着踪迹。KGB lieutenant colonel Mikhail Shirokov is informed that his long-time enemy Aleksandr Stroganov, nicknamed Graf, a former punisher and saboteur who worked for German intelligence during the war, has been spotted in Leningrad. With the help of the remnants of the White Guard underground, the sabotage group \"Zigzag\" and \"mole\" in the ranks of the police, he had to carry out a sophisticated plan to destroy the city. The task is the explosion of five symbols of the revolution, the main goal of which was the Big House. Young Mikhail Shirokov, then an operative officer of the NKVD and his teacher, senior lieutenant Eremeev, prevent this catastrophe, all the conspirators are destroyed, but Graf Stroganov manages to escape. In 1965, Lieutenant Colonel Shirokov checked all the Stroganovs now living in Leningrad. Suspicion falls on projectionist Stroganov. Indeed, he and his wife Lora were abandoned in the USSR by American intelligence. Their goal is to kidnap a prominent nuclear physicist and take him abroad. Shirokov and his group follow the trail.
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