
家庭  荷兰   2019  荷兰语   德语 

原名:Mijn bijzonder rare week met Tess   又名:非常夏天(港) / 小岛来了陌生爸爸(台) / 我和苔丝的非凡夏日 / 孤独训练夏日特别篇 / My Extraordinary Summer with Tess

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-23 07:01:06

作为家庭中年纪最小的成员,萨姆因为害怕家人离开后的孤独,而在度假小岛上开始了自己秘密的“孤独训练”。而岛上古灵精怪的女孩苔丝则绞尽脑汁想要和素未谋面的生父见面。萨姆没想到这暑假的怦然心动不仅会打乱他培养自己适应孤独的训练安排,还会将他带入另一场冒险旅程中。在这个悠长的夏日假期里,两人相依为伴,收获了最美好的记忆,萨姆也意识到人生并非一座孤岛,相伴本身就是意义。Sam (10) and his family head off to the Dutch island of Terschelling on holiday, but his brother breaks his leg on their first day there. Bad luck for his brother, but the accident lets Sam meet Tess; a peculiar girl who has an ingenious plan for getting to know her birth father. She's got just one week to make his acquaintance, and she decides that Sam should help her. Although Sam is forcing himself to practice being alone to protect himself from future grief, he discovers during his adventures with Tess how important family really is.
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