当了八年卧底探员的海生(张家辉饰)成功逮捕犯罪分子Dark哥(吴镇宇饰),心想到终于可以摆脱卧底生活,海生感到生活又恢复了光明。 可是,事情却不是海生想的那样美好。复职的颁奖仪式草草了事,同事对他投来的不是关切与欣赏,而是不信任的目光。警员阿龙(黄秋生饰)只是默默地安慰他。 卧底时期的女友与自己分手,陌生人开始跟踪自己,海生觉得自己警员的生活远比卧底更加痛苦。他回想起卧底时候Dark哥与他的往事,不由得动容,而此时,海生卧底时的朋友找到海生,原来想逃离卧底生涯,远非那么简单。(Cantonese with English subtitles) After 8 years of working undercover among Hong Kong's notorious triads, Harry Sin busts a crime lord and returns to regular police work. But old habits die hard, and Harry's immersion in the underworld is tough to shake. When his new partner decides to snub him, the only way out for Harry may be the dangerous life that has consumed him for nearly a decade.