发生在北卡罗来纳州不同地方的三个彼此独立但又相互交织的故事。1999年的母亲节,对濒临灭绝的海龟十分感兴趣的年轻流浪者Mark爱上了在一家汽车旅馆打杂的George。2000年的母亲节,Mark的养母Elizabeth想知道她已经疏远的儿子现在怎么样了。2001年的母亲节,Mark的生母Grace辞掉工作开始去寻找她多年前抛弃的孩子--而这次寻找最终将三个故事连到了一起。"Loggerheads" interweaves three separate but related stories that take place in different parts of North Carolina. On Mother's Day 1999, Mark, a young drifter with an interest in endangered loggerhead turtles, begins a relationship with motel handyman George. On Mother's Day 2000, Mark's adoptive mother Elizabeth wonders what has become of her estranged son. On Mother's Day 2001, Mark's birth mother Grace quits her job to begin a search for the child she gave up years before-a search that ultimately brings the stories together.