当维卡里欧兄弟知道其妹在新婚之夜被发现不是处女时,便认定纳沙尔是偷情者,于是把即将杀死纳沙尔的计划,告诉了小镇上所有的人,但这种四处散布的警告,却未能阻止这项刺杀行动,在一个致命的早晨…… 本片改编自哥伦比亚魔幻现实主义大师、诺贝尔奖得主马尔克斯的作品,时空跨越近30年,采用倒叙方式。一位医生回到故里,为的是揭发20多年前其好友被杀的真相。以前在父系社会中的南美,女性在结婚前必须保持处女身,结果新娘在成婚当晚被发现已非完璧,新郎一气之下远走他方;新娘的两位兄长一口认定青年纳夏尔是与其妹私通者,于是便将要杀死纳夏尔的计划散布小镇上,众人无动于衷,纳夏尔在广场上众目睽睽下被杀死,整个小镇的人都是帮凶。A small village in Latin America. Santiago have been knife in the morning. It surprise nobody. The Vicario brothers have openly declared the would kill him to avenge the lost honour of their young sister. It's the way and custom of the country. Nothing and nobody would have prevent it. It was a death foretold. Let see how and why.