陈大力在一旧酒楼担任侍应,一夜,曾在酒楼当歌女但被谋杀的女鬼现身眼前,大力情不自禁与女鬼发生感情,不久,老伙记相继离奇死亡,死况且更是大力梦境中曾经预见。女鬼借大力寻找真凶报复,而大力亦陷入危机中。This clip was produced with Vic Elmes. Known by his worldwide successful film music for the science fiction series "Space 1999" and the worldwide hits of his band "Christie" (Yellow River, San Bernadino). For the first time, Sarah Pirch is in front of a camera. "Deep in the night" is included in Vic Elmes' album "Christie again". The film was shot im Hamburg, Reeperbahn, Germany.